"“Pastoral provision for the most vulnerable children and families is outstanding” "
Section 48 RE Inspection 2018

Starting School

Are you looking for school spaces for next September for your child?

Choosing a school for your little one can be daunting so at St. Peter’s we try to make the process as easy and enjoyable as possible. We welcome families to come and view our school and grounds at any time so they are able to feel and breath in our nurturing school ethos. We pride ourselves on welcoming families from all faiths and beliefs and celebrate our diverse community. At St. Peter’s, children start school in Reception where they are given a great start to their school life. We are proud of our nurturing and creative approach to learning and strive to make every child feel like an individual. Children at St. Peter’s are happy and proud of their school and love to tell our visitors all about what they have been learning!

For any questions about starting school, or if you would like to book in a visit please call our school office.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!



Before your child can start at school you must ensure that they are ready.

To establish what immunisations your child should have along with finding out other useful information that you will need to know to prepare for their transition into Primary School please see the following links:

Preparing for Primary School

Ready for school

Reception at St. Peter’s

Open Afternoon for September 2024 Entry