On this page, you will find the policies that the school is working from and reports on the school’s performance.
The Quick Links will take you directly to many of the reports. Please click on the policy or report you wish to access. A printable version (PDF) will load in a new window. Please contact us if you cannot find the policy or document that you are looking for. As we are now part of St Thomas Catholic Academy Trust some policies are hosted on their website. Please go to http://stcat.co.uk/trust-governance
Each academic year the Senior Leadership Team will create a School Development Plan to ensure the continued development of the school. The priorities of the SDP for 2023-2024 are:
Priority 1: To establish and implement a clear, ambitious and consistent vision of excellence.
Priority 2: To develop a clear, ambitious and consistent approach to personal development across the school.
Priority 3: To refine a strong early year’s curriculum based on children's cultural capital to enable them to be successful academically and in the wider areas of their life.
Priority 4: Governors are more active and effective in holding the school to account.
St Peter's Catholic Primary School Attendance Policy 2024 2026
St Peter's Catholic Primary School Behaviour Policy 2024 - 2026
STCAT & St Peter's Health and Safety Policy November 2023
Home School Agreement - Reviewed September 2024
St Peter’s Guide to using Microsoft Teams
Supplementary Form - Required for Admission
Teams Information for New Parents
Equalities and Accessibility Action Plan