"“Pupils are happy, well behaved and friendly…They benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum which includes numerous opportunities for pupils to develop their learning in an exciting way” "

Science at St. Peter's

Science at St. Peter’s

Our Vision for science:

We develop creative, independent thinking scientists with the confidence, motivation, knowledge and skills to reflect on their learning and make links with the science they encounter in the ever changing world around them.

Science is going well when……..

  • We are excited about science and look forward to our lessons.
  • We have fun exploring and learning through practical, hands on tasks.
  • We think of our own science questions and make choices about how to investigate and answer these.
  • We use scientific equipment in our lessons and understand how to use it safely.
  • We talk about our learning with others using scientific vocabulary and we ask questions about the science we encounter in the world around us.
  • We enjoy a range of activities which enrich our science learning e.g. science events, trips, workshops, outdoor learning.
  • We understand the relevance of what we are learning and make links between science, other subjects and our everyday lives.

Science is for everyone!

50 Science Things To Do

Science at St. Peters Principles Assembly