Eco Schools

We are a green flag school!

Here at St Peter’s we are proud to say that we have a team of staff and children who are committed
to helping our world.  We have worked hard to achieve the Green Flag Award, the highest accolade awarded by Eco Schools England. Achieving such an award shows how passionate we are about looking after our environment. We have a wonderful community around us working with us to protect our planet for the future.

Eco Team

We currently have a Virtual Eco Team made up of over 40 children and staff members from across the school. Throughout lockdown and beyond, we have been meeting online to discuss and share ideas that we have. Some examples of tasks we have undertaken  include collaboratively writing our new Eco code, and completing an Environmental Review in order to create our Action plan.

Recycling at St Peter’s

We feel very strongly about recycling as much as we can! Every classroom has various bins for recycling different waste. We work in conjunction with Terracycle to recycle a variety of items that are not recycled via council recycling schemes. These items include crisp packets, food pouches (such as Ella’s kitchen), pens and batteries. We send used stamps to the Air Ambulance Charity.

Using the Great Outdoors!

We are lucky to have beautiful outdoor spaces including an orchard, wild flower meadows, a peaceful pagoda area, raised vegetable beds and a super outdoor classroom. We regularly hold community clean up days where parents, staff and local community come together to improve and enhance our space to provide varied habitats and great opportunities for learning outside. KS1 children have Welly Wednesday sessions every week, which includes putting on wellies and taking the learning outside! We have teamed up with Marlow Wombles to incorporate community litter picks during these sessions too!

KS2 children make excellent use of the outdoor space with teachers planning for outdoor learning whenever possible.