"“Pupils are happy, well behaved and friendly…They benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum which includes numerous opportunities for pupils to develop their learning in an exciting way” "


St Peter’s Curriculum Statement 


St Peter’s Catholic Primary School follows the National Curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6. Our curriculum design is based upon the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills with clear progression through the year groups. Links between subjects are made where these will enhance pupils’ understanding, but most subjects are taught in discrete units. A full list of topics and content is shared with parents each term and are available on the class pages of this website. 


RE is a Core subject in our Catholic school with 10% of the timetable dedicated to the teaching of it using the Come and See scheme. Pupils’ understanding of key religious rituals, ceremonies and what this means in terms of their own lives are explored. The links between RE as an academic subject and the Catholic life of the school are made explicit. Children develop an understanding of the liturgical calendar and key Bible readings through the weekly Gospel assembly and the teaching of key scripture in RE lessons. Two weeks per year are devoted to the teaching of other religions: Judaism and Islam; pupils respect and are interested in the teachings of other faiths.  

In Early Years children begin to explore the world of religion in terms of special people and special books, times, celebrations and objects. They listen to and talk about stories from the Bible. They are introduced to religious words where appropriate. They reflect on their own feelings and explore using their imagination and curiosity to develop their appreciation and wonder of the world they live in. Pupils visit St Peter’s church regularly, participate in collective worship in class daily and a child-led class worship in class once a week. 


English reading and writing are taught daily.  

In Reception the children are taught synthetic phonics using the ‘Little Wandle Phonics’ scheme in a highly systematic way for 20 minutes each day, learning to say, read and write sounds, or ‘phonemes’ that they learn to blend together to form words. Pupils are taught in flexible groups that are assessed regularly. The expectation is that the children learn the sounds quickly and progress to reading words and sentences in a structured programme. Parents are supported with a series of videos and resources that they can use to help their child practice at home. During the daily phonics lessons, children learn to write the sounds and begin to generate and write simple sentences. Pupils who are not progressing at the expected rate will be given individual tuition to help them catch up. 

In Years 1 and 2, pupils continue to be taught using Little Wandle with daily phonics sessions. The children move through the scheme until they are secure with all the sounds and can blend and segment words securely. The highly structured lessons enable children to generate and record sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation.  

All children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 take part in three guided reading sessions a week. The children are organised into tailored groups and read a Little Wandle text across three sessions. Each session focusses on a different aspect of reading. In session one, the focus is on general decoding of the words. In session two the children learn about prosody, using expression to enhance their reading, and in the final session, they answer questions to check their reading comprehension.  

From Year 2 upwards, children read independently using the Accelerated Reader Programme. Children complete termly STAR tests online, which generate a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD number). Children choose books from within this band and read and quiz regularly online to check and encourage comprehension. The quiz results are monitored termly, and children are supported or challenged accordingly.  

Throughout Key Stage 2, Book Clubs are organised for groups of children. Some children read as part of a Book Club, meeting half termly to discuss a given book. Other children read weekly together in a group to help to increase fluency and independence. Book Clubs and weekly book groups are led by an experienced Teaching Assistant.  

A focus on vocabulary development is threaded through all lessons with termly reading and writing targets linked to National Curriculum objectives.  Pupils are encouraged to write for purpose and an audience, using their knowledge of grammar and punctuation to plan, draft and edit interesting pieces of writing with the reader in mind. Links are made to other curriculum areas where these are appropriate and meaningful. Reading for pleasure is prioritised with teachers reading high quality texts to their classes regularly and reading opportunities maximized across the curriculum. 

All children visit the school library regularly and every child has a reading book to take home that they can change regularly. Books that present positive role models, are inclusive, and are representative of our school cohort are an integral component of the reading offer available to pupils. Some KS2 pupils have the opportunity to read to elderly residents at a local care home.  

We value reading as a crucial life skill. By the time children leave us, we want them to read confidently for meaning and regularly enjoy reading for pleasure. We want our readers to be equipped with the tools to tackle unfamiliar vocabulary. We encourage our children to see themselves as readers for both pleasure and purpose. 


Throughout the school, from Reception to Year 6, we use Literacy Tree for our teaching of English. Literacy Tree is used across the UK and globally and is an award-winning educational platform. All the Literacy Tree resources use high-quality children’s books and for Writing, we follow their 'Teach Through a Text' approach to ensure there is consistency throughout the school.  

At all ages, we have adopted an approach to writing that is based on children immersing themselves in a book, and discovering the world the author has created, creating strong levels of engagement with the themes of the book, before encouraging creativity and inspiring them to write. 

Each unit of work focuses on a high-quality text that provides meaningful and authentic opportunities for writing with a clear audience and purpose. Comprehension, literary language and spelling and grammar are taught through the context of the book and these skills are then applied rigorously in a variety of short and extended writing opportunities. 

The texts we use to inspire the children include fiction, non-fiction, poetry and picture books that quite often link to our topic and other curriculum subjects. 

By teaching through a text, pupils become critical readers and acquire an authorial style as they encounter a wide range of significant authors and a variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  The text choices are an important part of this as well - many link to aspects of History and/or encourage deep discussions. 

Children write daily in English lesson, as well as across the curriculum in a range of subject areas. Through the teaching of high-quality texts, children learn to both express themselves and better understand the world around them. We read high-quality texts to inspire and engage children in the writing process. These texts are from a variety of different genres and are diverse in their viewpoints and authorship, providing a model for our children to aspire to. 

Children learn how to become confident and articulate writers across a range of text types through a carefully-sequenced learning journey where they are given numerous opportunities to: 

  • see and hear the writing process modelled by their teacher (“shared writing”) 
  • gather and learn new vocabulary 
  • practise and build up a bank of literary phrases for effect 
  • discuss their ideas before starting to write 
  • edit their own work both independently and in response to teacher feedback 

Key to maintaining children’s enthusiasm for writing is that teachers always make writing opportunities purposeful, with real audiences and reasons why the children need to express themselves. 

Grammar and Punctuation 

Wherever possible, grammar and punctuation is explored and taught within a real context: this may be done through a quality text that the children are reading, or it could be in the shared writing which all adults model as part of the teaching process. 


Pupils from Reception to Year 6 are taught maths using the White Rose Maths scheme. This structured scheme takes a mastery approach to teaching and learning, making use of concrete materials, pictorial representation and finally abstract representation when new concepts are introduced. For example, pupils might count physical objects, then draw sets of objects, before finally tackling written ‘sums’ or word problems when learning about addition. Bar modelling is a useful pictorial representation that all children are taught. 

There is an emphasis on independent use of support materials such as number lines and squares, and fluency in basic operations such as number bonds and multiplication and division facts. Children are encouraged to talk fluently about their mathematical reasoning and to ask questions. 

Pupils in Early Years follow the White Rose Maths planning structure and much emphasis is placed on acquiring solid foundations of understanding number. Much of the teaching and child-centred learning in early maths will use concrete resources and make use of indoor and outdoor spaces in a range of contexts. Spatial awareness is promoted through the use of puzzles, 3D resources and indoor and outdoor play such as construction and creative building tasks. There is also a focus on the use of mathematical language when playing maths based games with supporting adults. 


Wider Curriculum 

Pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 follow the National Curriculum. Lessons are planned using our Trust overview with an emphasis on knowledge and scientific curiosity. Links are made to maths and geography where these are appropriate in supporting children’s learning. Substantive and disciplinary knowledge are incorporated into planning to ensure that children connect ideas and make links. 

Pupils in Early Years explore their curiosity about the natural world through a series of topics such as growing and change. Children plant and grow vegetables and observe the life cycle of a butterfly. Links to design and technology are made through activities such as selecting materials to build a house. Outdoor play offers opportunities to learn about materials, forces and movement. A clear focus on vocabulary allows pupils to acquire language and experiences that feed into the KS1 and KS2 curriculum. 


Pupils’ knowledge of the past is developed through the teaching of history. The equivalent of one hour of teaching per week is delivered and the curriculum has been designed to incorporate both substantive and disciplinary knowledge. 

Pupils learn about a key focus in significant periods in history, such as the settlement of the Anglo Saxons, or the development of the city state in Ancient Greece, as well as the disciplinary aspects of studying history such as chronology, change and continuity, similarity and difference, and use of sources and interpretation.  

Local history units focus on the development of familiar areas such as Marlow, Riley Park and the River Thames. Children learn how their local area has changed over time and the significance of local features. 

Children in Early Years are encouraged to think about changes within their own experience by comparing photographs of themselves as a baby to the current day, or identifying if something is old or new. Stories help children build a sense of things that have happened in the past. They will learn about some historical figures through different half-termly topics, and about important events in the past linked to celebrations, such as Guy Fawkes Night. 


The teaching of geography helps children understand about places near and far, how and where people live and the impact that we have had on the world. Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum and aims to build understanding of place, spatial knowledge of the world, its countries and continents, and factors that have impacted on the way our Earth has been formed and how we use it. Children learn about issues that cause challenges such as pollution and climate change. Substantive and disciplinary knowledge are incorporated into lessons, and cross curricular links are made where appropriate.  

In Early Years, children learn positional vocabulary such as near and far, behind and in front and begin to understand the concept of relational positioning that will later help them to understand compass directions. They learn words that are relevant to human geography that will feed into the KS1 curriculum and beyond and have an understanding of the features of their local area and that these may be different to other places that exist. Stories are used extensively to build a sense of place and different places. The children are encouraged to share their experiences of other places in the world where they may have visited or have family. 


Pupils are taught art for one hour per week every other term. At St Peter’s we use the Kapow scheme for Art which focuses on developing children’s skills in and knowledge of art. The curriculum has been designed to allow children to:  

  • Explore a wide range of mediums for mark making and materials for creating three dimensional objects 
  • Develop the skills of observation  
  • Understand the importance of composition and viewpoints 
  • Understand the impact of perspective and proportion 
  • Understand how to mix and create colour and how colours work together 
  • Understand shape and form in 3D objects 

Pupils study artists and their lives and influences. Where appropriate, links are made across the curriculum. A range of cultures and times are represented, with some of the key movements in art, such as Impressionism, taught. Pupils are encouraged to make their own personal responses to the art they experience, and to develop their own creativity in the pieces they produce. 

In Early Years, children have ample opportunity for creative expression, developing the early skills of painting, drawing, modelling and printing. They are encouraged to talk about their work and to develop the vocabulary of colours and shapes and to ask questions about artwork they encounter. 

Design Technology 

Children are taught DT for one hour a week every other half term. At St Peter’s we use the Kapow scheme for DT. Children design and make functional objects using a range of skills and techniques such as cooking, working with textiles and making objects with moving parts. Children follow a process of designing, making and evaluating their work. The school has a kitchen where groups can cook and bake.  

In Early Years, pupils explore junk modelling, enjoy regular cooking opportunities and are encouraged to talk about the things they have made. 


At St Peter’s we follow the Kapow scheme for Computing and lessons take place weekly in the IT suite. The Kapow scheme is followed with progression in termly units of e-safety, digital art, communication, handling information, control and programming across each year group. 

Laptops are available for pupils to use for cross-curricular work, such as research, in their classrooms. 

In Early Years, children use a range of age-appropriate programs to develop early computing skills. E-safety is emphasized across the full age range at St Peter’s. 



PE is taught by class teachers using the PE Hub scheme. Specialist coaches support the teaching of PE in all year groups where appropriate and at lunchtimes. PE develops physical skills of agility, balance, co-ordination and fitness and is inclusive for all pupils. As many children as possible take part in tournaments, after-school clubs and competitions, with an emphasis on participation and enjoyment. KS2 pupils have weekly swimming lessons for one term. 

In Early Years, physical development is promoted through active outdoor play. We have a dedicated outdoor area that allows children to explore in addition to weekly PE lessons develop body control, ball skills, balance and turn taking using PE Hub. 


Music is taught using the Charanga scheme which teaches children the inter-related dimensions of music (pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations). 

Children sing in every assembly and opportunities to perform are given to every child at least once a year in end of term shows and performances. 

Modern foreign language 

Children in Key Stage 2 receive a weekly French lesson using the Kapow scheme focusing on simple grammar and vocabulary from topics that interest children such as weather, food and places.  

Curriculum enrichment 

Regular enrichment weeks focus on creative arts with art, drama and music events, visitors and performances. Parents are often invited to observe performances as well as being invited into school to share their talents! Children enjoy regular visits from theatre and music groups, and trips and visits to places linked to their learning.  

Parents are involved in every aspect of their child’s learning: half termly curriculum letters are sent home to inform parents of the teaching content; along with drop ins to see their children’s work. 

Social, moral, spiritual and cultural development 

Pupils social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is enriched and developed through the Catholic ethos of the school. The Gospel values of peace, love, justice, mercy and forgiveness run as a thread through every aspect of school life, and the pupils are explicitly reminded of these through daily acts of collective worship. Regular visits to attend Mass at the parish church of St Peter’s provide experience of formal worship for the pupils. Children have a weekly virtues assembly and can nominate their peers to the Headteacher to receive a certificate for demonstrating how they live by the virtue. 

Weekly PSHE lessons cover the statutory RSE (Relationships and sex education) and health education that must be taught to pupils. The school follows the Ten Ten scheme with themes around keeping safe, including online; mental health; healthy relationships with family and friends; changing and growing; money and economic health. Lessons may be adapted to respond to identified needs in a cohort and children keep a journal of their learning. 

British Values are explored through PSHE which promotes discussion around the themes of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect using images and questions relevant to the age of our pupils. 

Older pupils are given the opportunity to take on a role of responsibility within the school: Head Boy and Head Girl; House Captains; Pupil Leadership Team; Mission Team; Learning Mentors, Librarians and Junior Road Safety Officers. 

Year 6 participate in a residential trip to help prepare them for life beyond primary school. All pupils in all year groups participate in trips and visits that support their learning across the curriculum. 

For more information on the topics each year group is following and how they link to the subject areas of the National Curriculum, simply click on the relevant document below. If you would like more information about our curriculum, please email the school directly.

Whole School Curriculum Overview

RE Curriculum Statement

For Maths National Curriculum KS1 and 2

For English National Curriculum KS1 and 2

Digital Tools for Maths St. Peter's Marlow

Maths Mastery Certificate


Art Progression Document

Composition Progression Document

Comprehension Progression Document

Computing Progression Document

DT Progression Document

French Progression Document

Geography Progression Document

Grammar Progression Document

Handwriting Progression Document

History Progression Document

Maths Progression Document - KS1 & 2

Maths Progression Document - Reception

Music Progression Document

PE Progression Document

Personal Development Journey

Phonics and Early Reading Progression Document

RE Progression Document

Science Progression Document

Word Reading Progression Document